


Mr. Guo Junxiang, Founder of Drugverse

郭均相先生:1979年12月出生,中国国籍,无境外永久居留权,云南师范大学硕士研究生,医药领域超20年工作经历,先后在康恩贝#600572·SH、君业药业(激素CDMO)、DoePharma(CDMO研发公司)等公司担任Director、VP、President。2020年开始出任上市药企宁波美诺华药业#603538·SH、东阳光长江药业#01558·HK战略顾问,因为在收购入股原料药、医药中间体及CDMO/CRO企业的市值管理和CXO业务(CMO&CDMO为主)、项目Licence in&out上的前瞻性布局,为中国药企在创新药/抢仿领域上的产品管线布局指明方向、破局内卷上建树颇丰,2023年初至今,被中国化工企业管理协会提名为副会长,并荣获中国医药行业著名战略家美誉。

Mr. Guo Junxiang is a Chinese national born in December 1979, with no permanent residence abroad. He holds a master’s degree from Yunnan Normal University and has over 20 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry. He has served as a director, vice president, and president in various pharmaceutical companies, such as Zhejiang Conba Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (#600572•SH) Zhejiang Xianju JUNYE Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (steroid CDMO) and DoePharma (CDMO). Since 2020, He has served as a senior business strategy consultant for two Chinese listed pharmaceutical companies: Ningbo Menovo Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (#603538•SH) and YiChang HEC ChangJiang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (#01558•HK). Mr. Guo has played a key role in guiding Chinese pharmaceutical companies on their prospective product pipeline planning (both innovative and generic medicines) in terms of stake purchasing API & pharmaceutical intermediate enterprises, managing the market value of CDMO/CRO, developing CXO (mainly CMO&CDMO) business, and conducting In-licensing/Out-licensing. Due to his fruitful achievements in these fields, Mr. Guo was nominated as the vice chairman of the China Chemical Enterprise Management Association in early 2023, and earned the reputation as a renowned strategist in Chinese pharmaceutical industry.

2023年7月14日,由Drugverse协办的CIC2023中国化学药物产业链发展峰会(CHINA CHEMICAL DRUG INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE)取得圆满成功!

The CIC2013 China Chemical Drug Industrial Development Summit, co-organized by Drugverse, was successfully held on July 14, 2023. The summit brought together experts, scholars, and industry leaders from the related fields to discuss the latest trends, challenges and opportunities in chemical drug development. The summit also showcased the innovative solutions and products offered by Drugverse, a platform that aims to help pharmaceutical researchers in their drug development process. The summit was a great opportunity for networking, learning, and collaboration among the participants.


Ma Dawei, an academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and a researcher at the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, attended the summit and gave an opening speech. He also delivered a keynote speech on “Thoughts on the Development of Innovative Small Molecule Drugs”, in which he shared his insights and perspectives on the current status and future trends of small molecule drug research.

健艾仕(杭州)生物制药公司董事长傅新元,进行“化学药靶点选择:以JAK- STAT 为例”的精彩分享。

Fu Xinyuan, the Chairman of the Board of GenEros (Hangzhou) Biopharma Ltd., delivered an insightful presentation on “Chemical Drug Target Selection: Using JAK-STAT as a Case Study”.


The summit featured a roundtable discussion session on “Innovative Small Molecule Drugs in the New Era”. The session addressed the following questions: How can one assess the commercial potential and investment value of an innovative drug discovery project? How can the R&D of innovative small molecule drugs meet the future medical needs? How can China enhance its talent training and recruitment in the field of innovative drug R&D and improve its global competitiveness? How can the integration of small molecule innovation R&D and new technologies foster medical technology innovation? These discussion sections were hosted by Li Jia, a partner of Lang Sheng Investment Group Co., Ltd. Dai Han, the chief innovation officer of Viva BiotechHua Ye, the CEO of BioNova Pharmaceuticals (Shanghai) Ltd., and Yu Zhengtian, the co-founder of Shanghai Nutshell Biotech Co., Ltd., respectively. The hosts engaged the participants in a lively discussion on these topics and shared their insights and experiences.


Drugverse is a trademark owned by Daye Pharmaceutical Information Consulting (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd.


The founders and expert advisors of Drugverse have extensive industrial experience ranging from 15 to 35 years in both state-owned and private enterprises. They also have a rich network of domestic and foreign talents, funds, projects and resources. The company provides various services for the pharmaceutical industry, such as enterprise consultingstrategic management research commercialization entrepreneurial counselinginvestment and financing FAgovernment investment promotion, etc.


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地址:北京市海淀区太舟坞408号4-102 010-62461922 400-600-8767

版权所有2008-2018乐发Ill FDA/ICH

工商营业执照 京公网安备110108003751号 Drugverse


